Tuesday, July 23, 2013

say cheese!

 I am horrible at posting pictures from my camera, actually for that matter, Ive been really horrible about taking real photos! It has just become too easy and convenient to shoot photos with my phone and call it good. 
But what fun is that. 
Ive had some time lately to reflect and think about a few things. Like my education and my time spend in Idaho. There are definitely a few things I would like to change, like finishing my degree, but I am glad that my life took the path it did. It may sound silly, but I feel like I am definitely a learn as you go type person, and school just gave me so much pressure that I think I didnt ever take it a seriously as I should have.
I wish I would have taken more art and photo classes. I really enjoy being creative and I (cant believe I'm actually putting this into print) dont give myself enough credit for how much I can do. 
Every once in a while I do something really cool like create awesome t-shirts for our friends reunion this summer, or take pictures of my jellie bean and I just get really excited because I feel like I still got it! Photography is for sure one of those things that if you dont use it you loose it, at least for me. It takes me a little bit to get back into the swing of things. 
I am going to take some senior pictures for my brother when I get home (hopefully they are good enough to actually use!) and I've been trying to get back into things and get myself used to the camera again. 
It definitely makes me miss it and makes me feel like I should be doing it a lot more! So if you need some photos... let me know ; ) 

Ellie and Dylan! she loves to play with big kids! He made her so happy!!
So I took a few fourth of july photos... but this was just too funny of Jonah to pass up! He wasn't exactly thrilled with me taking his photos! 

and that's all the photos from the fourth... oops

We took Ellie last weekend to a park on the east side of town that actually had grass! She didnt quite know what to do with the green stuff, she tried to eat it a few times. We snapped a few photos and I just cant get over how big she's getting! Crazy how time flies.

grass in toes!

She absolutely loves to be outside!

 so sweet, even when shes mad at me!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

10 things on my mind

Updating again, craziness I know! 

Whenever I finally sit down to write on this thing I know I have like a million things to say, but I just can never seem to remember them. 

1. Im too lame to use buy good shampoo so I have been using Sauve professionals keratin infusion... and its actually really nice.  Leaves my hair super smooth, and my hair doesnt get as gross as fast. So two thumbs up please. 

2. My child is a complete mix of her father and me, he was a very hyperactive child and I was a little bit a diva child. Which honestly makes me wonder how I make it through some days. We get the days where she is so unbearably crabby and sassy, or the days where she is bouncing from wall to wall in this little apartment. 
But dont get me wrong, she is still very sweet! 

3. This weather lately here in El Paso has been so wonderful. Nice cool breeze, a little rain, some clouds. HEAVEN. Its been so great! I hope this lasts for a little while. Its great. 

4. Im going home for two weeks! Well Ellie and I are. We are so excited. We are going to hang out and relax and have fun with family. 

5. Grocery shopping gives me the same feeling as nails on a chalk board. I feel like I spend so much money and never really get a lot. 

6. Ellie can hold her own bottle. Even without her handle bars. Its a big time life saver sometimes. Its so nice to hand her a bottle and get things done while she is distracted and not trying to get into something. 

7. Zach decided he was going to start swimming again, which he goes to the pool before work three days a week. I am really proud of him for sticking with it and going at the you know what crack of dawn. 
Now I, on the other hand, am not that disciplined. I am not a morning person so waking up early to work out just sounds like about the worst thing ever. After Zach gets home from work and we have dinner and get Ellie fed the motivation has done left the building. So when do I get in a "workout"? 
Thats my problem, I dont know. Honestly I am to admit something, I dont really do it in the first place, I lost all my baby weight by just having a hyperactive child I guess. Which, dont get me wrong, Im NOT complaining about this one bit! But I did gain a lot  HUGE amount of weight when I was pregnant with Ellie. So now I have lots of extra skin and stuff that i need to tone up. 
But when and what do I do?
I went swimming last night and honestly, it felt good getting back into the water, but it felt like it took way more time than I think im willing to give up. I didnt get to get Ellie ready for bed or spend any time with Zach after he got home. We had do grocery shop (ughh) and then dinner, and then I went and swam while he spent time with Ellie and got her ready for bed and fed her a bottle, then I had to come home and shower off because chlorine makes me itchy... and yadda yadda yadda... 
It just seemed like it was a lot more work then I wanted to put in. Not to mention the fact that I dont feel the same in the water that I used to. Not saying that I was super good by any means. I just felt dizzy and uncoordinated in the water, something I never had issues with before... so long story short. I think swimming is fun every once in a while but I think I will be hanging up my goggles for a while. 
So now what should I do? I do have a gym at my apartment complex, but what do I do with Ellie, shes not exactly one of those babies that will just sit still and watch. I tried insanity--not my thing.
I really wish my Wii actually worked so I could do Zumba at home and not have to sign up for an expensive class! (maybe i should just buy a new one for myself for a birthday present?) 

8. I love soda wayyy more than I really should. Its a problem. Lame, I know.

9. I really would like a closet make over. Most of my clothes no long fit. Which I am totally not complaining about, please dont get me wrong. Its just not exactly fun to not have too many clothes that fit properly. But again, not complaining about loosing the weight. 

Getting new things in the etsy that Im really excited about. So please check it out if you can. And a big thank you to those who have supported the shop! 

I believe that is all I can squeeze out of my head at the moment. 
I probably have way more to complain/talk/bore you with but Ill leave those for another time. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

terrible.. 9 months?...

I promised that I would be better about blogging, so if my topics come out a little lame. Just put up with me please. 
I have been having a hard time lately with my little peanut. Shes such a sweet cute little girl, but she is just a little terror sometimes and lets be honest I really don't think I can blame this all on teething. She has gotten so sassy lately and I am really not sure what to do, its not like a 9 month old will listen to reason. And I seriously think the word no is never going to stick with her.
She has taken a liking to tags: like tags on clothing, or tags on toys, or just basically anything that she is really not suppose to have. She clings to non-toys and doesn't exactly do well when you take them away.. like full fledged big girl meltdown, like bucks her head back and throws a fit with alligator tears rolling down her checks. I don't know what the heck I am suppose to do.

Like right now for instance. She is in her crib screaming at me.. because she wouldnt drink her bottle and kept reaching for things that shes not suppose to like: wii remote, tv remote, blinds, my glasses, climbing up me and pulling my hair... you know the usual, instead of eating. 

Its been slightly challenging to go anywhere or do anything with the two of us. Because she gets a little moody and pushing a cart or stroller while carrying her is just do much fun.

I have tried really hard to stay positive, but sometimes I just feel like staying in and not going anywhere. (sorry friends) Its a lot easier and a lot cooler, this El Paso heat doesn't make having a cranky baby any easier. I'm really hoping that when her teeth come in (all four top teeth at once, ugh!!) that she will become a little more well mannered.

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