Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
okay lets be honest here
finals suck
.enough said.
on a better note
Jan 11th
First day at
The Paul Mitchell Hair School!!
Yupp, thats right.. IM GOING!
very excited for the new life transition!
All black wardrobe here I come!
: )
peace and love
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
So ive been sewing a big more for some family and for x mas gifts..
this is the newest bag for my sister-in-law Liz, for her sister {pretty sure im safe because her sister i dont think reads my blog}
Its from the Moda Charm Pack "Happy"
Ignore the messy sewing/office room.
My new christmas decorations!
made out of a book!
{yupp, i tore a book apart}
Zach and I's first Christmas tree
Pretty I know.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
conquering a fear
Thanksgiving weekend Zach and I went to Orem/Provo to hang out with
Taylor and Abbey and Abbey's Fam
It was a lot of fun
I did something I never thought I would do...
{Im slightly afraid of heights}
Yupp thats me
Zach in a slightly compromising position...
Rocking it.. no pun intended! haha
An interesting hand hold!
Taylor chatting with a friend, he hurt is hand a couple weeks before, so he didnt get to do a lot of climbing : ( {even though he is the pro}
: ) I really like it
Zach and I are looking to go again!
Monday, November 29, 2010
i could use some assistance!!
So I have stumbled upon this new decision in my life,
and I really could just use some help figuring out what I should do.
At this point I am getting my associates at BYU-I
and I have been playing around with the idea of going to Paul Mitchell Hair school...
I need some advice, please tell me what you all think?!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Under the Weather
The start of Thanksgiving break was great.
Zach and I went to Utah, and had a great time with
Abbey and Taylor, and Abbey's family.
we drove home on wednesday because I had to work
@5... but on the way home
I got super super sick!!
and the best thing about that is...Its a freaking virus,
so there is nothing I can do about it!
I literally at one point could barely talk or make out words
because my throat hurt so bad!
But I'm getting better now, yay...
just in time to go back to school.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
So I have known how to crochet for quite a while now. {thanks mom}
But I have pretty much known only how to do a straight line.. aka... a blanket
But after numerous tutorials and undoing like 5 tries...
I finally made a hat!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Home Decor!
So recently I went to a relief society activity with one of my good friends
She is so great, she didnt know a lot of the girls in her ward to she invited me along
We made
-cookies in a jar {you know, where you put all the dry ingredients
into a mason jar and put a cute top on it!}
- a flower with satin where you burn the edges. super cute
- and a magnet board.
We made the board with a metal 12x12 board and a sheet of 12x12 scrapbooking paper
then with some modge podge we made some cute magnets for the board.
When i got it home i decided to add a frame with some glass so we could also write on it!
super fun and cute!
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fun right?! |
Saturday, November 13, 2010
wall street
Humm, well lets just say, I wouldn't recommend it.
you love the stock market, and can understand what the heck they are talking about.
otherwise.... not a big blockbuster for me.
You again, was a funny one to see.
I would recommend this, and surprisingly, Zach would too!
This weekend must have been a movie weekend...
But it was great!
Oh and I gave Zach a haircut, it was fun.. Cheaper
and actually looks good!!
if only he could learn to cut mine.... NOT!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The House That Built Me
I am sitting here watching the CMAs and just thinking about how Ive grown up. The new song "The House that built me" reminds me so much about the blue house that flooded and seeing it being torn down this summer. It makes me so sad that its gone, but i will always have the memories and my family to share them with.
Monday, November 1, 2010
November.. say what?!
So i find myself reminiscing a lot. Does that happen to anyone else??
I find myself thinking about where I was, or what I was doing at this time in the last few years.
Last year..
I was working at American Eagle and living in Rexburg.
2 years ago
I was working as a lifeguard at Disney in Orlando and hanging out with all my Disney Friends.
3 years ago
I was working at American Eagle in Cedar Rapids waiting to go to college.
This year..
I am married, working at Circle of love, and going to school.
Crazy how Time has passed.
I definitely love where I am now, but I do miss a lot of my friends!!!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Im an Idahoan
Today was an interesting day...
I surrendered my Iowa Drivers Licenses
got my Idaho licenses.
Crazy I know
It only took me one try!
Im an Idahoan
Monday, October 11, 2010
not a ton has been going on here in rexburg
but i feel like I have been posting a lot lately.. so why ruin it.??
School is school... still managing to surface above all of the work.
I give myself time every once in a while to sew.
I am still loving my job at Circle of Love
Zach is still super busy.. But loving school (lucky for him.. hes too smart)
We are still missing our family very much(especially because we
want so badly to meet our new nephew Elliot!)
He was born on the 8th and he is already a handsome little fella!
all in all
we are doing well.
: )
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Enjoy October
October is a beautiful month.. Especially right now here in Rexburg. (cough cough.. dont quote me on that!)
and I have been busy and will be busy making more of the above bags!
I made a couple when I was at home, but this one I finally made for myself!
If you looking for a cute bag...
and like Moda Fabrics..
let me know.
I can sell you one!
They come in all sorts of awesome colors!
look Here for fabrics I can order from!
oh and school is good as well!
: )
Monday, October 4, 2010
one of those days
Today really wasnt actually all that horrible..
I have just had kind of an emotional day.
I had to walk around campus with my doughnut butt pillow
because of my lovely tailbone issue.
I havent had much of an appetite all day.. which is weird for me.
I'm freakishly tired today.
and i have huge bug bites on my legs!
lovely.. i know.. I blame it all on them. and girly issues!
but on the other hand. I got to see one of my really good friends from freshmen year
and Zach and I got a $5 craigos for dinner and a fanta. it was good.
i hope the rest of the week gets a little better for me.
PS> So Zach just read my blog and said... "I thought this was suppose to be about us.."
so here is an update with him..
he has been being so good with going to the gym and working out
& staying so busy with his classes.
He also has a new wife... JACOB... haha. his study partner.
& during the week he sees him more than me.
He is so very patient with me and I am so very grateful for that!
PS> So Zach just read my blog and said... "I thought this was suppose to be about us.."
so here is an update with him..
he has been being so good with going to the gym and working out
& staying so busy with his classes.
He also has a new wife... JACOB... haha. his study partner.
& during the week he sees him more than me.
He is so very patient with me and I am so very grateful for that!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Why the title you ask...?
Well that would be the class that is kicking my trash this semester.
I remember thinking as a kid that i might wont to be a lawyer some day..
boy was i ever mistaken!
Its so hard for me to even read the text book.
Legal talk is not my strong point. But i am giving it my best effort because
1. I really like my teacher. Sister Andra Hansen
(who is so passionate about what she teaches. and leaves fair amount of space to be as creative and argumentative as you want. Aka.. she likes to stir things up.. My kind of girl! )
2. We get to argue. and i think that is the only reason i ever wanted to be a
lawyer in the first place.
I think the ending of this class will be bitter sweet... Until then..
Press forward!
until i get another 5 min... .. .
Thursday, September 16, 2010
So I know this might sound a little bad...
The only thing I have to complain about is my feet... They hurt so bad and no shoe will make them feel better... If you have any suggestion... please let me know!!!
But, I'm not used to working this hard!
So school is pretty much in full fledge now, and i got a job, and started working.
So my monday, wednesday, friday are pretty full with classes. And tuesday, thursdays I only have two classes, but I work until 6-ish... which doesnt seem like much, but I was really surprised at how tired I am.
so since this is my first week starting all of this... I am a bit out of it..
Hence the loverly picture on top.
But so far I am actually enjoying it... but dont quote me on that.. it might change in about a week..
The only thing I have to complain about is my feet... They hurt so bad and no shoe will make them feel better... If you have any suggestion... please let me know!!!
As for my classes...
Im taking.....
Ethics and Legal Issues
Family Relations
Photo 1 & lab
Macro Econ
New Testament
I will be sure to let you all know how they play out..
: )
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Well Hello Again..
Long time no post! Im sorry once again, but i procrastinate so much with hw, and blogging apparently.
But we are now back in Idaho and in our new apartment. (pictures of that will have to come later)
We started school last Thursday, and so far so good. Zach is really enjoying the classes he is taking right now, and I as well. (they will be challenging, but not too bad). We have had a wonderful start to our time in Rexburg. Even though coming back here always stings just a little, I am really coming to enjoy being out west.
Since we got here we have been on the hunt for furniture and for jobs, and all that good stuff. And I was wonderfully blessed with a job working at Circle of Love here in Rexburg! One of my really good friends (Danielle) works there full time, and I went into visit her last week and she told me about the position and WALAA.. Kylea has a new job. I am so excited for the new challenge and for the excitement of working in a Bridal store. I think its been one of my dream places to work and I am so excited. (I start working Tuesday!!!)
To back track a little, Zach and I got to take a little mini vacation to Colorado for a few days and we had a blast. We stayed in littleton for a few days with one of the most awesome families ever that Zach met on his mission. Then we went on to Glenwood springs where Zach and I got to go on a horse back ride through a canyon and Zach got to fish the Colorado and Crystal Rivers. It was really nice to spend time together and to see beautiful Colorado. (Even though I had bad allergies the whole trip.)
This weekend has been so awesome. At the beginning of school I was feeling kind of down, just because i didnt really know how to fit in with my newly married status. I feel like people at school think I have the plague and cant talk to me because I have a ring on my finger.. : (
But Saturday one of Zachs old roommates, and one of my classmates had their rexburg reception. We went and caught up with old roommates and friends, and then went out to dinner with them and had a really good time. It is so refreshing to know you have close friends that are in the same boat you are. : ) Then today we went to Zach's cousin Nicole's baby blessing. It was really cool to see two different families filling up two huge rows at church. Then we had dinner with all of them and it was just really nice to have the family here in Idaho and all be together!
THEN... we checked our mail because we forgot to do that yesterday.. and my Ram for my computer came in!!!
why is this so exciting...??
well my computer is now almost four years old.. and its a tad bit on the full side, and it decides to run really slow when i want to do things like edit photos or upload anything.. So Mike (my father-in-law) got the genius idea to add more ram.. because getting a new computer is wayyyy to expensive and thats not something thats on the budget right now. So now i basically have a whole new computer. Its great!!!!!
And here are some photos...
Long time no post! Im sorry once again, but i procrastinate so much with hw, and blogging apparently.
But we are now back in Idaho and in our new apartment. (pictures of that will have to come later)
We started school last Thursday, and so far so good. Zach is really enjoying the classes he is taking right now, and I as well. (they will be challenging, but not too bad). We have had a wonderful start to our time in Rexburg. Even though coming back here always stings just a little, I am really coming to enjoy being out west.
Since we got here we have been on the hunt for furniture and for jobs, and all that good stuff. And I was wonderfully blessed with a job working at Circle of Love here in Rexburg! One of my really good friends (Danielle) works there full time, and I went into visit her last week and she told me about the position and WALAA.. Kylea has a new job. I am so excited for the new challenge and for the excitement of working in a Bridal store. I think its been one of my dream places to work and I am so excited. (I start working Tuesday!!!)
To back track a little, Zach and I got to take a little mini vacation to Colorado for a few days and we had a blast. We stayed in littleton for a few days with one of the most awesome families ever that Zach met on his mission. Then we went on to Glenwood springs where Zach and I got to go on a horse back ride through a canyon and Zach got to fish the Colorado and Crystal Rivers. It was really nice to spend time together and to see beautiful Colorado. (Even though I had bad allergies the whole trip.)
This weekend has been so awesome. At the beginning of school I was feeling kind of down, just because i didnt really know how to fit in with my newly married status. I feel like people at school think I have the plague and cant talk to me because I have a ring on my finger.. : (
But Saturday one of Zachs old roommates, and one of my classmates had their rexburg reception. We went and caught up with old roommates and friends, and then went out to dinner with them and had a really good time. It is so refreshing to know you have close friends that are in the same boat you are. : ) Then today we went to Zach's cousin Nicole's baby blessing. It was really cool to see two different families filling up two huge rows at church. Then we had dinner with all of them and it was just really nice to have the family here in Idaho and all be together!
THEN... we checked our mail because we forgot to do that yesterday.. and my Ram for my computer came in!!!
why is this so exciting...??
well my computer is now almost four years old.. and its a tad bit on the full side, and it decides to run really slow when i want to do things like edit photos or upload anything.. So Mike (my father-in-law) got the genius idea to add more ram.. because getting a new computer is wayyyy to expensive and thats not something thats on the budget right now. So now i basically have a whole new computer. Its great!!!!!
And here are some photos...
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My Grayson man... He looks so cute in his Ralph sweater.. all ready for school! |
I took my cousin Morgan's senior photos this summer.. Is she so pretty?! |
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I finally got to one of my brothers football games. Im so excited for him.. He is playing really well this year |
Drake's fan club! |
Sunday, August 8, 2010
New blog design
Just thought I would dedicate a post to my new design. I am starting to figure out how to make it back to normal again!
I am watching New Moon right now and loving every minute of it.
: )
I am watching New Moon right now and loving every minute of it.
: )
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Lets play catch up...
So the month of July has come and gone...
Its been a busy one with all kinds of fun. So i thought i should give my blog an over all update.
Its been a busy one with all kinds of fun. So i thought i should give my blog an over all update.
So I have found out there are certain qualifications for being a Zmoos...
1. you have to know how to fish
2. own a swiss army knife
3. know how to shoot some sort of gun...
and the list continues... but for the purpose of my story that just about does it for now. So i know how to fish..sorta, and i received a swiss army knife for christmas.. so now was the gun part. And as most people know I have said over and over again that I would never shoot a real one.
So I learned how to shoot a pellet gun... and shhh... dont tell anyone... but its kind of fun, and kind of addicting. So every now and again Zach and I will go out back and shoot soda cans or random pieces of gutters from the garage.
This summer has been nice because not only did I get to greet my new nephew Grayson, but I got to spend a lot more time getting to know my niece Maddy. Shes 2 and has lots of energy.
Zach and I get to go on lots of fun adventure with the family and its nice to have Maddy to play with and laugh with.
So the weather man decided to ruin my birthday celebration and told us it was going to rain.. So we cancelled the trip to lost island and went to the Mississippi River museum instead. It was still lots of fun and we got to play some more with Miss Maddy!
Then we went back home for some really awesome birthday cake and even more awesome presents!!!
Liz (My sister-in-law) Gave me this awesome book she made with all kinds of fun crafts and I have had fun trying to figure some of them out, and the complete hard back book set of the Twilight series! Mike and Karen (my parents-in-law?? did that make sense?) gave me some sewing essentials, a cutting matt and rotary cutter, ruler, and new shears : ) so its was a great time.
On my actual birthday (7-28) I worked at the office so I didnt so much celebrating, buy my mom came in and surprised me along with my Tator and Andrew on their last day of day-care. So it was really nice to see all of them!
Then Zachie came by and surpised me with the beautiful flowers you see below!
such a great hubs (my new word for him, i think husband is still too weird to say! haha)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Oh Boy! Am I ever antsy. I just have a million things running in my mind about leaving and gonig to school. I am very excited to get back and get all of our stuff to Idaho...
Speaking of getting things to Idaho
Anyone know anything to get a few boxes out to school that wont fit in our car?!
I have been doing some research...
1. uhaul... realllllyyy expensive! We would have to put a hitch on our car and thats just a big ol mess that I really dont want to deal with.
2. Fed-Ex... I went in to talk to them and they looked at me like I was stupid for asking about pricing... yes i dont have the boxes packed.. i would just like an estimate..; But no... That was too difficult for them to handle.
3. UPS... Let just say the girl there might have had a crush on me... she was overly nice... But still... expensive..
4. USPS... I havent gone in to talk with them yet because it always takes 5 years whenever you go in there... so im debating on whether or not i should just call...
The summer in winding down and people are starting to talk about fall and I am just getting very excited! Im ready to have my own apartment again, and be in town with all of my friends!
I need to update photos soon... I shall do that when I actually get motivated to put them on my computer...
for now... you can take a gander at my favorite
little man
love him! |
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
i find myself in kind of a sour mood about blogging...
1. i messed up my blog and i cant figure out how to make it normal again...
2. I have been updating more frequently... and nothing... not comments from like the last three posts... should i be seeing this whole blog thing as a lost cause....???
1. i messed up my blog and i cant figure out how to make it normal again...
2. I have been updating more frequently... and nothing... not comments from like the last three posts... should i be seeing this whole blog thing as a lost cause....???
Monday, July 19, 2010
So i messed up my blog and I dont know how to make it go back to normal!
Someone help. I just want it back to the basic so i can make my own background...!
Someone help. I just want it back to the basic so i can make my own background...!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Remember me.
So last night I watched the movie "Remember Me" and to make a long story short... *spoiler alert* If you dont want to know how it ends.. Skip down a few sentences...
Tyler Hawkins (aka Robert Pattinson...Edward Cullen... ) falls in love with a girl and ends up bring his messed up family back together, and when this finally all happens he dies in 9-11 in the NY trade center building.
And sadly to say, chick flicks really get to me... and so I bawled... It really got me thinking though, especially when today hit...
Four years ago today I was in a car on the way to the waterpark in Waterloo when the tire blew on the suv I was in and I was ejected from the window as the car was rolling in the ditch. Surprisingly i didnt break a single bone, and only ended up having a couple pieces of glass in my back and some pretty bad pulled muscles in my shoulder. I only had to spend one night in the hospital and had a few months of recovering with the bad shoulders.
It got me thinking.. I really hope that I have made an impact in someones life, and that someone would remember me.
Overall the accident really changed my life for the better and I am grateful for everyday and I always remember to wear my seatbelt. : )
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
So it is finally July.. The month of my birth!
Normally I would be super excited about this... but ehh... birthdays are getting to be overrated! This one will be my 21st... yippie..
I think ill go buy a lottery ticket or something, just so I can say I did something that I couldnt do before.
Anywho.. In other news...
Zach and I are pretty sure that we found an apartment in Rexburg, we just have to get all the signing stuff done (which is a little difficult being half way across the country.) But we are planning on living at Peterson Pointe. Its a two bedroom, one bath, with a washer and dryer, and all utilities included. We had friends who have lived there and loved it. So I am very exicted, and I hope that we get it!
I am very excited to go back to school. I have never really looked forward to school, but I am so close to being done I can feel it!!! I have declared my cluters (Photography & Home and Family studies) So I think getting into my upper level classes and my clusters will be a good time, difficult... yes...but fun.
So here is the big reveal My Grayson man!
This is right after he was born still in the hospital! hes such a handsome little man.. (well big little man. haha)
He has been such a good little guy for my sister too!
4th of July was a good weekend. We did all kind of fun stuff. I will have to post about it all later when i get my picture loaded!
see ya
Normally I would be super excited about this... but ehh... birthdays are getting to be overrated! This one will be my 21st... yippie..
I think ill go buy a lottery ticket or something, just so I can say I did something that I couldnt do before.
Anywho.. In other news...
Zach and I are pretty sure that we found an apartment in Rexburg, we just have to get all the signing stuff done (which is a little difficult being half way across the country.) But we are planning on living at Peterson Pointe. Its a two bedroom, one bath, with a washer and dryer, and all utilities included. We had friends who have lived there and loved it. So I am very exicted, and I hope that we get it!
I am very excited to go back to school. I have never really looked forward to school, but I am so close to being done I can feel it!!! I have declared my cluters (Photography & Home and Family studies) So I think getting into my upper level classes and my clusters will be a good time, difficult... yes...but fun.
So here is the big reveal My Grayson man!
He has been such a good little guy for my sister too!
4th of July was a good weekend. We did all kind of fun stuff. I will have to post about it all later when i get my picture loaded!
see ya
Monday, June 28, 2010
Stitches, babies, and Iowa fun!
So A LOT has gone on since my last post!!
1. Zach and I packed up our things and moved back to Iowa! Summer sales just wasn't for us... We just wanted to come home and be close to family.
2. Zach got a job working for my dad... and one I got a loverly phone call...from my grandma... saying if I heard about his hand... I said WHAT???... come to find out Zach got a nice little cut from some big heavy machine thinger before the work day even started. So he has had to deal with stitches in his hand for the last weekend and a half. Poor Zachie!
3. I have been helping my mom out here by shuttling my brother and other daycare children around to various camps and school functions. It has been fun being around all the kids again... but not so pleasant to have to wake up so early in the morning to get Drake from football.
4. Abbie had her baby! I have been sooo excited for this baby from the moment i knew it was baking!! So in true Abbie fashion she left every in agony and didn't find out the sex. So we were all surprised to have our 10 lb. 6oz baby boy Grayson Scott!!! He is the most handsome little fella there ever was!!! & i love him to pieces. Abbie had a little trouble with the birth just cuz he was a strudy sized boy, so she was pretty sore for the last week or so, so I have been going out to her house when her husband is at work!
It is wonderful for me because i get to hold and kiss him all day long. && he is such a good baby.. barely ever gets fussy! OHH i just love him soo much!!! Im so proud of my sister.. She is a champ! ( i will post a picture if i get permission from his mommy!)
5. Being back home has been really nice. Sometimes its a little rough, just because i feel so out of touch with Cedar Rapids. I feel like every time I go somewhere I should run into people I know, but it really doesnt happen that often. But I love being around both mine and Zachs family. We have all kinds of fun!
Iowa is pretty. i like it. But Im excited to go back to school.. I actually miss Idaho.
I applied for fast grad... So everyone cross your fingers i get in.
1. Zach and I packed up our things and moved back to Iowa! Summer sales just wasn't for us... We just wanted to come home and be close to family.
2. Zach got a job working for my dad... and one I got a loverly phone call...from my grandma... saying if I heard about his hand... I said WHAT???... come to find out Zach got a nice little cut from some big heavy machine thinger before the work day even started. So he has had to deal with stitches in his hand for the last weekend and a half. Poor Zachie!
3. I have been helping my mom out here by shuttling my brother and other daycare children around to various camps and school functions. It has been fun being around all the kids again... but not so pleasant to have to wake up so early in the morning to get Drake from football.
4. Abbie had her baby! I have been sooo excited for this baby from the moment i knew it was baking!! So in true Abbie fashion she left every in agony and didn't find out the sex. So we were all surprised to have our 10 lb. 6oz baby boy Grayson Scott!!! He is the most handsome little fella there ever was!!! & i love him to pieces. Abbie had a little trouble with the birth just cuz he was a strudy sized boy, so she was pretty sore for the last week or so, so I have been going out to her house when her husband is at work!
It is wonderful for me because i get to hold and kiss him all day long. && he is such a good baby.. barely ever gets fussy! OHH i just love him soo much!!! Im so proud of my sister.. She is a champ! ( i will post a picture if i get permission from his mommy!)
5. Being back home has been really nice. Sometimes its a little rough, just because i feel so out of touch with Cedar Rapids. I feel like every time I go somewhere I should run into people I know, but it really doesnt happen that often. But I love being around both mine and Zachs family. We have all kinds of fun!
Iowa is pretty. i like it. But Im excited to go back to school.. I actually miss Idaho.
I applied for fast grad... So everyone cross your fingers i get in.
Friday, May 21, 2010
So I know I said I was going to make an effort to keep posting, but darn it.. sometimes live just gets in the way!
I have been pretty busy lately, and the spare time I do get, I am usually doing stuff around the apartment or actually getting to spend time with Zach. And my time in going to be even more limited now. As of today I got hired on full-time and i am the only office manager our here in Minneapolis. Which is very scary for me, seeing as I have only been working here for barely three weeks.
This means, I will have the phones every day until they hire another one on. And i will have all of the paperwork and all of the other busy work included in this wonderful summer sales craziness!
I know I can do it... It is just a little overwhelming.
For a more uplifting update..
My sister is getting closer and closer to her due date, and nothing, not even my job, is going to stop me from going to see the little baby! im so excited!!! I cant believe is finally almost here! I think i have probably been waiting for this since the day after my sister got married! Haha.
Its my first niece or nephew (Besides Miss Maddy, that I get the pleasure to call my niece because i married the wonderful Zachary!)
I will for sure let all of the blogging world know as soon as I can what the little baby is going to be.. Boy or Girl...? Can you believe my sister went the whole time without knowing.. .Crazy I know!
In other news. Zach and I went to Robin Hood last Saturday night, and then to Iron Man 2 (paid for!! : ) yess!!) And in my opinion I liked Robin Hood more. I was so pumped to go see Iron Man 2, but it didnt live up to what i was expecting, and I am glad we didnt have to pay for the ticket.
Here are a few pictures that I have taken randomly.. I know people dont like to read these things unless there is something to look at.. so here you go..
Zach eating.. what a cheesey smile! haha
And here are some photos of our apartment here in MinnI!

Living room, the door leads out to our porch!
Our room.. and of course, everything is green!! : )
There is a very large field behind out apartment building and it is right off of our porch so this is the view.. It is kind of nice. We like it. : )
: )
I have been pretty busy lately, and the spare time I do get, I am usually doing stuff around the apartment or actually getting to spend time with Zach. And my time in going to be even more limited now. As of today I got hired on full-time and i am the only office manager our here in Minneapolis. Which is very scary for me, seeing as I have only been working here for barely three weeks.
This means, I will have the phones every day until they hire another one on. And i will have all of the paperwork and all of the other busy work included in this wonderful summer sales craziness!
I know I can do it... It is just a little overwhelming.
For a more uplifting update..
My sister is getting closer and closer to her due date, and nothing, not even my job, is going to stop me from going to see the little baby! im so excited!!! I cant believe is finally almost here! I think i have probably been waiting for this since the day after my sister got married! Haha.
Its my first niece or nephew (Besides Miss Maddy, that I get the pleasure to call my niece because i married the wonderful Zachary!)
I will for sure let all of the blogging world know as soon as I can what the little baby is going to be.. Boy or Girl...? Can you believe my sister went the whole time without knowing.. .Crazy I know!
In other news. Zach and I went to Robin Hood last Saturday night, and then to Iron Man 2 (paid for!! : ) yess!!) And in my opinion I liked Robin Hood more. I was so pumped to go see Iron Man 2, but it didnt live up to what i was expecting, and I am glad we didnt have to pay for the ticket.
Here are a few pictures that I have taken randomly.. I know people dont like to read these things unless there is something to look at.. so here you go..
Zach eating.. what a cheesey smile! haha
And here are some photos of our apartment here in MinnI!
Laundry... closet...?
Living room, the door leads out to our porch!
Our room.. and of course, everything is green!! : )
There is a very large field behind out apartment building and it is right off of our porch so this is the view.. It is kind of nice. We like it. : )
: )
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