Thursday, September 30, 2010


Why the title you ask...?

Well that would be the class that is kicking my trash this semester. 

I remember thinking as a kid that i might wont to be a lawyer some day.. 
boy was i ever mistaken! 

Its so hard for me to even read the text book. 
Legal talk is not my strong point. But i am giving it my best effort because 
1. I really like my teacher. Sister Andra Hansen 
(who is so passionate about what she teaches. and leaves fair amount of space to be as creative and argumentative as you want. Aka.. she likes to stir things up.. My kind of girl! )
2. We get to argue. and i think that is the only reason i ever wanted to be a 
lawyer in the first place. 

I think the ending of this class will be bitter sweet... Until then..
Press forward! 

until i get another 5 min... .. .

1 comment:

  1. You are funny girl. Sorry about the legal junk, but your pics are lookin stellar!


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