Thursday, September 16, 2010


So I know this might sound a little bad...
But, I'm not used to working this hard! 

So school is pretty much in full fledge now, and i got a job, and started working. 

So my monday, wednesday, friday are pretty full with classes. And tuesday, thursdays I only have two classes, but I work until 6-ish... which doesnt seem like much, but I was really surprised at how tired I am. 
 so since this is my first week starting all of this... I am a bit out of it..
Hence the loverly picture on top. 
But so far I am actually enjoying it... but dont quote me on that.. it might change in about a week..

The only thing I have to complain about is my feet... They hurt so bad and no shoe will make them feel better... If you have any suggestion... please let me know!!! 

As for my classes... 
     Im taking.....
Ethics and Legal Issues
Family Relations
Photo 1 & lab
Macro Econ
New Testament

I will be sure to let you all know how they play out.. 
: )


  1. Wow! Super woman! You are amazing! You didn't even include your biggest job of being a wife and homemaker! You are my hero!

  2. I can totally appreciate the life of a hard working girl. It'll be worth it in the end. And you'll look back at all of this with a sense of accomplishment.


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