Its been a busy one with all kinds of fun. So i thought i should give my blog an over all update.
So I have found out there are certain qualifications for being a Zmoos...
1. you have to know how to fish
2. own a swiss army knife
3. know how to shoot some sort of gun...
and the list continues... but for the purpose of my story that just about does it for now. So i know how to fish..sorta, and i received a swiss army knife for christmas.. so now was the gun part. And as most people know I have said over and over again that I would never shoot a real one.
So I learned how to shoot a pellet gun... and shhh... dont tell anyone... but its kind of fun, and kind of addicting. So every now and again Zach and I will go out back and shoot soda cans or random pieces of gutters from the garage.
This summer has been nice because not only did I get to greet my new nephew Grayson, but I got to spend a lot more time getting to know my niece Maddy. Shes 2 and has lots of energy.
Zach and I get to go on lots of fun adventure with the family and its nice to have Maddy to play with and laugh with.
So the weather man decided to ruin my birthday celebration and told us it was going to rain.. So we cancelled the trip to lost island and went to the Mississippi River museum instead. It was still lots of fun and we got to play some more with Miss Maddy!
Then we went back home for some really awesome birthday cake and even more awesome presents!!!
Liz (My sister-in-law) Gave me this awesome book she made with all kinds of fun crafts and I have had fun trying to figure some of them out, and the complete hard back book set of the Twilight series! Mike and Karen (my parents-in-law?? did that make sense?) gave me some sewing essentials, a cutting matt and rotary cutter, ruler, and new shears : ) so its was a great time.
On my actual birthday (7-28) I worked at the office so I didnt so much celebrating, buy my mom came in and surprised me along with my Tator and Andrew on their last day of day-care. So it was really nice to see all of them!
Then Zachie came by and surpised me with the beautiful flowers you see below!
such a great hubs (my new word for him, i think husband is still too weird to say! haha)
Oh Ky I miss you! It looks like you have an amazing life! I am so happy for you!