Wednesday, July 21, 2010


i find myself in kind of a sour mood about blogging...
1. i messed up my blog and i cant figure out how to make it normal again...
2. I have been updating more frequently... and nothing... not comments from like the last three posts... should i be seeing this whole blog thing as a lost cause....???


  1. it took a while before my blog started getting a comment or two regularly..I guess it just depends on what you blog about, who you follow and who follows you!

  2. I hear ya. At times I think no one reads my blog because I only get a few comments. But then I hear thru fam or fb, etc. that people read. They just don't comment. Don't give up... We like to hear about your adventures, especially when u get back to I'D. Btw try changing the template on your blog settings. All my background are from a third party so I set the background to the most basic template the add in the background. I can show u later if u want.


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