Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So, I'm back, I think...

So I guess I couldn't stay away for long. 
So for now I am back. 

I just kind of wanted to express the reasons I left in the first place. 
1. Life is crazy. 
{but really, lets be honest here, thats not changing anytime soon}
2. I thought I had some crazy medical problems &&; I didn't feel like being a Debbie Downer
on my blog. 
3. I didn't really feel like too many had an interest in what I was saying
{but my family keeps asking where my posts are.. so here I am. }
4. I do still believe in phone calls and the occasional text message, I feel like 
people take way too much advantage of online networking that they forget 
to involve real people in their lives. 

So, even though I am back, I still like to hear from everyone the old fashion way.. 
{if you can even call a cell phone call old fashion??}

Today is Tuesday March 8th, and I am at home and not at school...
Dont shoot me...
but I took a sick day. I got the itchies and they wont go away.. 
{dont worry, just an allergic reaction to some medicine, I am fine} 

School is still good. 
I officially am taking appointments. 
So if you would like some kind of spa service some visit me 
{Kylea- student #1408}
dont mind the nervousness... its going to take a while to get used to. 


I want to go here. 


  1. I am sooo thrilled you are back!!! I hope you are feeling well. And I wish I lived closer and could come in for some nice spa treatment and we could have a good ole fashioned face to face chat! Because I love your face!

  2. kylea! i read all your updates :) and you're actually what inspired me to start writing in my blog again. miss you!


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