Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So this week is our texture week. 
not to mention that fact that perms are really hard..
but our room is sooo toasty b/c the AC decided not to work for us... 
half the people in the class are sick

So we are all trying to grin and bare it and have a good time through all the messy stuff

but here is my list of 5 things to make a good day.. 
{1} Great girls like Briana that make you laugh!
{2} Funny girls like Nicole that make you smile even if your having a hard time. 
{3} Super awesome people like Lynne that rock at doing perms that make you want to do better!
{4} People that let me take their picture and make class fun by modeling their funny looking doll heads!
{5} We get to teach each other in class, so it gives us great opportunity to talk and get to know one another and learn at the same time!!! 

Today was another day that was hard to get through, looking forward to moving out of perms and on to something different for a little while. 
: ) 


  1. I know I've said this before but I am just so happy you are happy. It looks like you are really enjoying your life and school. Keep up the 365 you are my hero!

  2. i found your blog! how do i follow you?? and you totally should have brought your camera to the clothing party! :)


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