Thursday, September 20, 2012


All kinds of things have been happening lately. I've had some ups and downs, but I'm grateful for the people in my life that have been there for it all.

A few weeks ago my dad passed away unexpectedly. It always hard to loose someone especially a parent. I wasn't able to go home because I was too far along in my pregnancy to fly, which made it even harder. I put a lot on my sisters shoulders, but I'm so proud of her and how strong she has been through everything. I have had such great support from friends and family both here and at home which has made me so very grateful.

As for baby Ellie, she is doing fine, me on the other hand, well that's another story! Last Thursday I went in for my check up (37 weeks) and found out some scary news. My blood pressure was high and I had a very high level of protein in my urine. (Tmi? Sorry!) which are signs of pre-eclampsia. So we sat down with the doctor and went over what needed to happen. First I was checked and found out I was dilated to a 1 and 80% effaced, which ruled out having to do a c-section because my body was getting ready. Then I had a non-stress test where the hooked me up to the fetal monitors for 20ish minuets and tracked contractions and the babies heart rate, and she did fine. Then I got an ultra sound to check the amniotic fluid and to make sure she was doing okay. She was. Then.. (Teas I know, long list) I got some blood drawn. Phew! So basically they poked prodded and did everything tossed sure baby and I were good! I had to do a 24 urine sample (yuck) and then after all was said in done bed rest... Strict bed rest was the answer. After all the test came back we found out I am positive for pre-eclampsia.

So I went back to the doctor this past Monday. Got checked again.. Got my membranes stripped, a non-stress test and all the normal check up stuff. My blood pressure was still high, protein level didn't change, so instead of waiting till things got worse my doctor said lets induce!
Let me tell you, I couldn't have been more excited! Bed rest is basically driving me insane! It's so uncomfortable and I just feel completely anxious about everything!
I'm ready for her to be here so I know she is okay!
So we call Thursday morning to get our time to go in and we couldn't be more excited/anxious!!
It's finally all starting to sink in and feel real, and I'm getting a bit nervous! But definitely ready!

1 comment:

  1. Ky, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope everything is going as well as it can in that aspect. On the other hand, I am so excited for you and Zach!! I can't wait to see pictures of your little babe, I am sure she will be gorgeous! Good luck with your delivery and recovery!!


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