Thursday, June 7, 2012

There's water in the basement and the pilot light is out...

Name that movie?!?

Oceans 13( I think, well it's one of the oceans...)

Anywho, I had my first experience with a pilot light. I am pretty sure I knew what it was before, but I had no idea how to light it or why is even went out in the first place. But the other night I get all ready to take my shower and dundundun... No hot water!!!! I was so worried, and I didn't know what to do! So I went up to my neighbors and see if he could get it started... Nothing! Darn thing wouldnt stay on! So I washed my hai in cold water and went to bed! The fix it guy came to fix it the next night, but you never really realize how much you miss hot water when you don't have it!

I also recently found out that my job doesn't allow me to take any time off in July, so my plan to go home at the end of July isn't going to happen anymore! :(
I am really sad that i don't get to go back home, but Zach and I have planned to go home after graduation so the baby can make her Iowa appearance, and we both get the chance to be home!

I have been stocking up on the baby goods! So far I have
- a few outfits/bibs (great deal at Dillard's)
- lots of onsies! ( thanks mom and Abbie!!)
- some more clothes my mom got
- & some more outfits my sister got for her!!
- her new car seat
- a bouncy seat
- and now I'm redoing some burp cloths with cute fabric on the back!

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