So a while back Zach and I got this mac g5 and we were so excited about it because I could use it for my photo stuff, and it was something we could put more memory into and yadda yadda....
But we didn't not have the time, smarts, or want to put something into a computer that wasn't really working. It froze a lot and would pop up with this crazy error that was written in I think just about every language there is, and then just turn off... loosing all of the work I was doing. It was really frustrating and the computer was slightly huge, so I just said lets cut our loses and get rid of it!!! So I sold it. Which was harder than I thought it was going to be. I was a little sad to say that I literally had no computer, even though I rarely even turn that one on. So we did some research and found some suitable laptops for a good price, and then Zach gave me the dreaded..."its your decision" Ughh I hate that one, it always feel like a ton of bricks on my shoulders, and that's no light decision like where to eat for dinner, that's like a chunk of change that would be leaving our bank account.
Then today Zach called me after work like he usually does, but he was surprisingly pleasant and sounded really pleased... then he told me we had some extra money coming in that he didn't expect and that I should go get the computer we talked about!!! I was so excited! It seriously made my day!
I am no longer a full time Mac user, which I know, I know.. I always said I would never go back. But in this day in age, and in this economy, a working computer is golden!!! So I was sold!
So I now have a working computer! And I feel like I can finally blog like a normal person again! No more cell phone blogging!
And of course I celebrated by watching this last Monday's episode of Bachelorette and a snoasis! Lovely indeed!
Other than my new wonderful computer, I have been getting very uncomfortable lately. I seriously feel like within the last few days baby girl has doubled. There is definitely no mistaking that I am pregnant now, and baby girl likes to sit on all kinds of stuff in there making my back and belly hurt. Don't get me wrong, I will take it all just to know that she is healthy and safe in there. But it sure has been making sleep a little more difficult. I was kind of comparing my "baby bump" size to the average 22 week, and I have decided that I am really happy that she seems to be a big baby. I kind of knew it was going to be that way, seeing as I was the smallest baby in my immediate family at 10lbs. 1 oz. (yes, I know, my poor mother... she also had a 12 pounder, so really I was easy!) I think it will be a little bit of an easier transition after she is born if she is a little bigger. They always seem to be less breakable that way! (most mothers already are probably like yeah right... shes crazy.. try delivery.. But I'm surprisingly not scared about it at all... that's all just temporary, and if I can survive being thrown from a moving SUV going 75 down the highway, I'm pretty sure I can survive quite a bit)

All in all things are still good, seeing my sister here in a few days and Zach in just a few more after that. I am really excited for the next few weeks. It will be a great break for the summer!