So I started this blog thing for a reason... And I guess I haven't really been using it like I said I was going to.
I really wanted this little corner in the world wide web so that I could share things about my life and what is going on it in, but I just haven't been doing a very good job of that.
{i promise to try harder from now on}
I think I just got caught up in thinking that no one really cared about it, but there are people who do read this, so I should probably keep going for them!!!
{thanks readers}
Well for starters, as many already know, Zach and I are back in Idaho (land of the potatoes) and back to school. Zach is taking some pretty rough classes that he doesn't really like too much, and working in the security & safety office on campus. I am back at PM doing hair and loving it. (meant to be read with sarcasm.) Maybe its because I took four months off, or maybe I have figured out that its just not my thing, I don't know. I'm just having a really rough time getting into the swing of things..{i know, i know, its been two months since I've been back..I'm having a rough time, give me some slack. }
On the plus side, I have started hanging out with some friends I had before I left, and some great new friends! I have felt like I've grown new friendship that are going to be long lasting ones! {makes school a lot easier to bare}
Winter is pretty much here, and it is real cold, only to get colder... insert tears here...
living on the bottom floor stinks!!
Anywho, really that is about all that is new with us.
oh and we are getting pretty new iphones in the mail hopefully tomorrow!
thats realllllyyyy exciting! : )
only 7 1/2 weeks till we fly home to Iowa!
I always look for your updates missy! Wish we were closer so we could hang out :)