There is basically only one month left of school and I cannot wait!!!!!!
Since I will be living in Minnesota this summer I am choosing to only take a few online classes next semester. Even though i have only been in school one semester this year, I'm slightly burnt out! I just registered this morning and boy was that difficult! BYU-Idaho is making it as difficult as they possibly can to figure out the stupid new website!! Anywho, Im signed up for Media Law and Ethics and D&C. I am excited.
So this weekend Zach went to Boise for Pinnacle, and I got to chill at home. It was kind of boring, but it was nice to relax and not do anything. I did however edit some of Zach and I's engagement pictures!
& got a bunch of invites sent out! yay!! now im just waiting till my sisters list gets to me, then they will all be finished!
more later
Can't believe how close it's getting. Are you crazy excited or what??