There is basically only one month left of school and I cannot wait!!!!!!
Since I will be living in Minnesota this summer I am choosing to only take a few online classes next semester. Even though i have only been in school one semester this year, I'm slightly burnt out! I just registered this morning and boy was that difficult! BYU-Idaho is making it as difficult as they possibly can to figure out the stupid new website!! Anywho, Im signed up for Media Law and Ethics and D&C. I am excited.
So this weekend Zach went to Boise for Pinnacle, and I got to chill at home. It was kind of boring, but it was nice to relax and not do anything. I did however edit some of Zach and I's engagement pictures!
& got a bunch of invites sent out! yay!! now im just waiting till my sisters list gets to me, then they will all be finished!
more later