My life lately has consisted of the following...
Making it slightly difficult to remember to post.. I apologize.

I spend lots of my time folding, censoring, selling clothes and other various items at the ever popular America Eagle Outfitters in Idaho Falls. I've enjoyed working there this semester, it has been lots of fun getting to know the people that I work with.. And there always seems something to laugh about there. The only downside... The DRIVE.. I never thought I would hate driving, it always used to be my get away to get in the car and just drive.. But now... I would just rather not.

Many of you that know me should know of my obsession with the Twilight series, So of course going to see New Moon is a given!
Mom generously gave me money to get tickets, so of course, Zach couldnt say no to free tickets! HaHa
He kept rolling his eyes at me during the whole thing (even though i secretly think he enjoyed it!) Its was great and I loved it. I would like to see it again... But i dont know if that one will fly with Zach. I think the next movie on our list is The Blind Side. I have heard such great things about it and I'm excited to see it.
Meet my friend the strange outdoor kitty! Zach and I had the genius idea to take our own engagement pictures. It worked out quite nicely. I own all the rights to my photos and I can do with them as I please. We had a lot of fun doing it to.. expect that it was a tad bit chilly out. And we made a new friend the strange outdoor kitty in the process.
: )
Here are a taste of some of the pictures I've sort of kind of edited. I really havent had time to do much.. But I thought I should give my faithful readers a taste. (also at the top of the blog)
With my spare time this is one of my favorite pass times.
the blind side was really good! you guys should definitely go see it. and your pictures turned out so cute, genius idea! i had my mom take mine and david's :)