Saturday, August 11, 2012


I had this cranky post written up when I was feeling uber pregnat and not so great about myself, and basically just put down everything I was feeling into a post... But I decided it was too negative and decided no one really wants to read that stuff anyway!

so heres a positive post!

As you can very well see, the blog got not only a facelift,  but a name change as well. My old blog name was too complicated and had really nothing to do with me, so here it a more simple one for you... so now please follow! thanks

So I have this friend Amanda, who is pregnant with her second little cutie.. and she post these great little updates about her pregnancy and so I thought it would be a fun way to update everyone on mine!

How far along? 30 weeks 2 days-give or take  :)
Total weight gain/loss: if you really want to know, I will tell you, but its not a pretty number, lets just say Ive gained probably more than I should...
Maternity clothes?  Mostly, except yoga pants and big t-shirts.
Stretch marks?  surprisingly, not on my stomach.
Best moment this week: Daddy- aka Zachary comes home!!!!!!
Miss anything: lots: Zach, Sleep, sweets without heartburn, being able to bend over, cool weather... the list could continue for a long time... 
Movement: yes, doesnt seems like as much as she used to, but I just think she is running out of room!
Food cravings: Chocolate. Which is weird, because most who know me, know I dont really like chocolate that much.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  no, I still have yet to get sick. beside the spell of heat exhaustion when I got back from Florida.
Have you started to show yet: yes, then some. My mom says it looks like I am going to tip over... she is so nice to me sometimes! ha ha jk I only joke mom!
Gender: girl aka pink baby.
And I have come to the conclusion that even when she does have a real name, I feel like its going to be hard to stop calling her pink baby... pretty much everyone calls her that now.
Labor Signs: I think Ive been having Braxton Hicks, and those arent so great..
Belly Button in or out? kind of in, kind of out. Pokes out a little on the right side after I am really full!
Wedding rings on or off? Off and has been off for quite some time... makes me a little sad.
Happy or Moody most of the time: lets see... my husbands been gone since april... I will let you decide. : )
Looking forward to: Having Zach back home and being done with work!! Only two more shifts and Im finished with Bear World!
Funny moment this week: this might be too much information... But lately I have found I cant control my bladder as well as I once could, so now I find myself running to that bathroom when I have to go... and well yesterday, didnt quite make it all the way in time. laugh if you must...

so there ya go... lovely right : )

So Zach will officially be home tomorrow and I couldnt be more excited! Ive been cleaning and getting things ready for him to come home. I have kind of taken over the closet, So Im not exactly sure where he is going to put any of his things... but Im just ready to have him home!  I think he will be very surprised at home much pink we have accumulated in these last few months since he has been away! 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Real People!

I have always said that I can't wait until Zach and I are finally real people. What is a real person you ask? well basically a non-college person in the "Real world"
I have been in Idaho for 5 years now, and I am really ready for the next step!
We seem to be entering the real people world at record speed!

As everyone knows we are expecting our little baby girl in October, and we couldn't be more excited about it. There is nothing like entering the real world like entering it with a new little baby!

Then a few short weeks after that Zach will graduate from college with his degree in health science!
I am so excited for him and for his accomplishments! A dad and a college graduate in just two months!

And.. drum roll please... He will not only be a dad and a college graduate, but a full time employee with Freeport in El Paso Texas as an Industrial Hygienist!
Yes, that's right folks. Right after graduation we will be moving our little family down to Texas to start our new journey there! We couldn't be more excited and more ready for this new step in our lives!! I'm so proud of Zach and all that he has accomplished, and so grateful for this job opportunity working with such great people and a great company!
so being apart for the summer i guess sure paid off :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

29 weeks

Today I went to the doctor, I'm on the every two weeks visits now. Everything is looking fine, babies heart beat is normal, blood pressure is normal, weight gain... well thats been high from the start so thats nothing new. But since Im getting closer to the end the talk of delivery has started to come up more now.
Dont get me wrong, I have thought about it a lot, but i kind of alwaysp knew it would take some time to get to that point, so I havent put too much thought into everything. Lets be honest here, if I did I probably would have been freaking out much more this whole pregnancy. haha
Anywho, I dont have a "birth plan" if you will, but I kind of just have the mentality that the doctor will tell me whats the safest and best way to do things, and thats what I will do.
At my 20 week check up/ ultra sound I was told my placenta is looking pretty low and its just something we would have to keep on eye on as we go down the road. Now that its getting closer its come up again. In two weeks I will go in for another ultra sound to check out the placenta and make sure everything is normal there. If it isnt, then its looking like a c-section will be scheduled. If its fine, then we will just go on like normal.
THEN, I will have another ultra sound around 37 weeks to check the babies weight. Since my faimly history isnt exactly working in my favor (big babies), I could possibly have a few different things happen. 1 could be induced early, but that comes with its own set of risks (not sounding too wonderful to me) or 2. have a c-section. My doctor is very good at making me relaxed about all of the options, so like I said, I'm not freaking out too much... yet. He told me he wouldnt let me have a normal delivery with a 9 +lbs. baby, because there are all kinds of problems that can come from that.
So at this point, I feel very good about everything. And hey, if I do have a c-section thats kind of like picking the birthday! 10-11-12 anyone?! how cool would that be?!

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