So, today has been a day.
since moving to El Paso, I havent been sleeping very well, and waking up with head aches
{dont worry, I just need a new pillow}
anywho, so I was having a lazy day because I didnt have to work, and my head ache was not so bueno!
But i carried on with my day as normal.
made myself some lunch, cleaned up the kitchen, started the dishwasher
everything is running just fine as I'm watching
season 3 of the Kardashians
& I smell this burning smell...
thinking its the computer I freak out, because its really Zachs computer and our last lap top..
{mines been dead for like 6 months}
I smell the computer and feel it, and its not that hot. So i get up and start searching...
lo and behold, the dishwasher is smoking!
I was freaking out and didnt know what do you.
of course, i shut it off and opened it up, and found
my measuring spoons sizzling away at the bottom of the dishwasher...
all the while im in my freak out, Zach is on the phone...
laughing at me...
of course.
So my apartment smells like burnt plastic, bad bad burnt plastic...
so what do I do...
open all the windows and make a little trip for a big guz at the 7 eleven.
It was an eventful afternoon.
onto another topic...
please someone tell me if this is normal?
My hair has been falling out really bad lately. I mean I've always had some problems with my hair being annoeying and getting everywhere when it was super long in high school.
But for the past month it comes out alllll the time, and in huge pieces.
I told my mom about it today, because Im starting to think im going to go bald soon!
she of course told me not to worry unless im getting bald spots, which so far im not.
She also told me that i could be "shedding my winter coat" so the speak.
Is that something that humans do like animals?
Please enlighten me if you know anything about this topic, or something I could do to stop my hair from falling out.
crazy hair kylea...
oh well i suppose! If it all falls out then I guess Ill just have to get that super cute pixie cut!