Monday, December 13, 2010


okay lets be honest here
finals suck

.enough said.

on a better note

Jan 11th 
First day at 
The Paul Mitchell Hair School!!
Yupp, thats right.. IM GOING! 
very excited for the new life transition! 
All black wardrobe here I come! 

: ) 
peace and love

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So ive  been sewing a big more for some family and for x mas gifts.. 
this is the newest bag for my sister-in-law Liz, for her sister {pretty sure im safe because her sister i dont think reads my blog}

Its from the Moda Charm Pack "Happy"

Ignore the messy sewing/office room. 

My new christmas decorations! 
made out of a book! 
{yupp, i tore a book apart}

Zach and  I's first Christmas tree

Pretty I know. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

conquering a fear

Thanksgiving weekend Zach and I went to Orem/Provo to hang out with 
Taylor and Abbey and Abbey's Fam
It was a lot of fun


I did something I never thought I would do... 
{Im slightly afraid of heights}

Yupp thats me

 Zach in a slightly compromising position...

 Rocking it.. no pun intended! haha

 An interesting hand hold! 

 Taylor chatting with a friend, he hurt is hand a couple weeks before, so he didnt get to do a lot of climbing  : (   {even though he is the pro}
: ) I really like it
Zach and I are looking to go again! 

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