2005 seems like such a long time ago, but that is the official starting date of Zach and I's relationship... crazy i know, i was so young!
Well anyway... this little trip down memory lane is because i only have 21 days till he gets home from his mission! He has been serving for the past two years in the denver colorado south mission. Im so proud of him and all the things that he has done on his mission! he is such a great guy and colorado is probably going to miss him greatly!
But im sooo so sooooo excited to see him again.. Two years is just too long!!
but heres a look from the past and a couple pics i was sent recently...

My senior prom 2007
Zach and another missionary in Colorado (i bought him that tie! : ) haha)
sorry for the direction... but pretty colorado!
Im just so excited i had to post about it. : )